Our Sustainability Initiative
We aim to build a truly sustainable business from the ground up, we don't condone 'Greenwashing' and transparency is most important to us.
Our journey to sustainability starts from our material, made with 100% Aegean cotton, sourced from the cotton fields in Izmir, Turkey.
We aim to deliver the most eco-friendly briefs and to deliver on that promise we make sure there is zero plastic in our supply chain, from the fields of Izmir to your underwear drawer.
Our packaging is 100% recyclable and biodegradable, added bonus, our packaging is also compostable! Pot it and plant it!
Underwear cannot be donated, and they need to be replaced every few months which means they have a shorter lifecycle and end up in landfills, we make sure our products are comfortable and made to last (we guarantee you're going to be looking for them in your drawer). We have adopted the 'slow fashion' business model. Make the switch today and experience a new type of comfort!
AKIN Essentials. Look Good. Do Good.